Mobile Service Software for Lexware® Enterprise Resource Planning

Handyman complements Lexware® with a mobile app and full service management software


The field service software Handyman has a standard interface to Lexware® enterprise resource planning. Mobile and offline you process your orders in Handyman. In Lexware® you can easily post and invoice the orders afterwards. This eliminates the need to type work tickets, time sheets, and other forms filled out by technicians on the road into Lexware®. The service technician creates his digital service report in Handyman Mobile with mobile time recording, electronic inventory management, mobile processing of checklists, photo documentation and electronic signature of the customer. Mobile order entry - e.g. of new fault reports on site - is also possible with the Handyman mobile application. At the same time, mobile customer service with the field service app can work not only mobile but also offline. This is indispensable, especially in field service. The orders are transferred electronically from the mobile to Lexware® merchandise management and the like - without any paper at all. The Lexware interface can equally be used to couple mobile order processing with the related products Lexware® faktura und auftrag, Lexware® warenwirtschaft or Lexware® financial office. Since the interface is based on the standard Lexware® solution, it does not require any programming in haufe Lexware®. This is why the combination of the Handyman app with Lexware® is particularly popular with self-employed people and small businesses. This makes Handyman the best alternative to add mobile data capture, mobile time tracking or customer service functions to Lexware.

Exchange of master data and order management

Lexware® transfers to Handyman the customer master and the article catalog incl. Product groups. This means that this master data can be used directly in Handyman orders. Handyman Office is used for order management. New orders can be created quickly here. Clear lists allow easy management of all open orders. When using the optional Handyman SMM service management software, the on-site installed base can also be maintained for each customer. The maintenance planner enables the automatic generation of the due maintenance orders. Scheduling is done with Handyman Resource Planning, where the dispatcher can graphically assign jobs to individual technicians – optionally with route optimization to minimize travel time and maximize your productive working time.

Work with Lexware® mobile and offline

The mobile technicians process the jobs assigned to them in the Handyman mobile application on a smartphone, tablet or laptop. It is also possible to create new orders on the mobile end device (mobile order entry), such as an Android smartphone, here. The item catalog provided by Lexware® is used when booking material, times, kilometers, expenses and flat rates. This ensures that the services booked in Handyman can be processed correctly in haufe Lexware®.

In addition, the full range of Handyman Mobile features is available to the service technician, including mobile time tracking via app, attaching photos to the job, filling out checklists, and the customer’s electronic signature feature. It is also possible to manage the installed base, have multiple technicians working on the same job, and view your own timesheet. With the convenient interface of the mobile customer service app, the field service employee can work offline without a network connection.

The Handyman Mobile field service app is available for smartphones, tablets/iPads and laptops with Android, iOS and Windows operating systems.

Supported haufe Lexware® versions

Feedback of completed orders from Handyman customer service software to Lexware® for invoicing

Once the mobile data capture is completed by the technician on his tablet / smartphone, the job is transferred to Handyman Office. Time records and material consumption from the field service app can be checked and approved in Handyman Office. The interface then transfers the data from the customer service software to Lexware®. This means that the commercial data from the digital service report captured on mobile devices can be used directly in Lexware®. Lexware® provides a convenient mask for importing the imported orders. All order items (articles, hours, kilometers, expenses, flat rates, etc.) are transferred, as well as the order description. In Lexware® , the order can then be continued as an order confirmation, invoice or delivery bill. Handyman thus complements haufe Lexware® with mobile order processing and service management.

Lexware® supplement for mobile data collection in the service sector

  • Mobile working time recording for posting in Lexware® enterprise resource planning
  • Entering material and other articles from the Lexware® article catalog into Handyman
  • Import of Handyman orders into Lexware® for accounting and invoicing
  • Digital service report – offline, mobile and paperless
  • Standard interface without adaptation to haufe Lexware®.
  • Easy implementation of the mobile solution
  • Service App available for Android, iOS and Windows

Contact request

Would you like to use Handyman field service management software together with Lexware? Feel free to contact us. We will be happy to send you an exclusive case study, a demo and further information material.

Or make an appointment directly with one of our sales representatives.

T: +49 231 222 456 9-0
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